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Helping you win more work

Your company is doing amazing things within the architecture, engineering, and construction industry. You know that, but who else does?


The thing is, without getting your achievements and USPs written down, no one will know about your products and services. If you can't tell your customers why they should choose your company over another, that's lost business.


But the day job isn't going to do itself. Between the site meetings, answering calls or emails about your current projects, and the ton of paperwork you have to do, there just isn't time to do it all.


I get it – I've been there.


Work with me and I'll help you create clear, technically accurate content (the "copy") that helps explain your products and services, helping you win more contracts. Whether it's construction blogs, engineering brochures, case study writing, or other marketing materials, I can help.

Tanya Preston freelance technical writer

Who Am I?

An engineer who's been there

Hi, I'm Tanya, a civil engineer turned technical copywriter and content writer. During my civil engineering career, I was always the one people asked for help when writing.


As well as project reports and plans, I started writing operating procedures and how-to guides, which led to writing winning industry award submissions and then to bid writing. 


So much great work goes on in construction, but we aren't the greatest at promoting ourselves. Now I help companies showcase their achievements and win more contracts with great writing. 



Why Choose Me?

Still not sure? Here are some reasons why you might hire me.

experienced freelance copywriter

You're probably reading this because you don't have the time to write everything you need for your business, or you don't enjoy writing. 


A writer with no construction experience will take up more of your time as you'll need to explain what you do, what you need, and then check it with a fine-toothed comb.


With me, you get a specialist in engineering and construction with 16 years of practical, hands-on experience. And my writing has won a few industry award submissions:


  • CIHT Skills Excellence Award 2015 - Highly Commended

  • Highways England Supplier Recognition Awards 2015 Customer Experience - Highly Commended

  • CIHT Health & Safety at Work Award 2016 - Highly Commended

  • ICE East Midlands Merit Awards 2016 Studies & Research Category - Winner

qualified freelance copywriter

When you work with me, you have the reassurance of knowing that you are getting a qualified professional working on your content. I'm qualified in engineering and construction, with training in editorial and copywriting skills. 


You can check out my LinkedIn profile for a full history, but in brief, my qualifications include:


  • Chartered Civil Engineer with the Institute of Civil Engineers

  • PRINCE2 Project Manager - Practitioner Level

  • Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) Managing Safely

  • Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) Professionally Qualified Person

  • Masters Degree in Civil Engineering

professioal freelance copywriter

These days, anyone on the internet can be an expert. How do you know that you are dealing with a professional who isn't outsourcing your work to someone in another country? 


Firstly, I ask all new clients to sign a Project Agreement before we start working together. It's not a formally binding contract, but what it does is define what your goals are for the project we are working on, what I will deliver and when, and issues such as what happens if you want to cancel the project. If you need a confidentiality or non-disclosure agreement (NDA), that's fine too.


Secondly, I have professional indemnity insurance for my copywriting business.

While I hope to never have to use it, it gives you peace of mind that you are dealing

with someone who takes your business seriously.


Finally, I care about the work we do in construction, and give my time as a School STEM Ambassador through STEMnet to promote the industry to students. 

freelance technical copywriter

Probably the best reason of all to choose me for your projects is that I'm easy to work with. You've got enough headaches to deal with daily; I won't be one of them.


I don't miss deadlines, I respond promptly to emails, and I take pride in my work. If I spot somewhere I can help you add value, I'll tell you. 


As I work on an as-needed basis, I'm not an employee, so you don't have the added stress of worrying if I'm sick or on leave. Writing is now my sole occupation, so you can be sure you have my attention. 

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